Author Archives: Dalya Massachi

Live Internet Radio Interview Discusses “Writing to Make a Difference”

Join me and The Philantrepreneur Foundation Radio Show host Dr. Victoria Boyd. We discussed ‘being’ a Philantrepreneur, and how to effectively utilize and implement “Writing to Make a Difference” in your own work.

The show offered tips, strategies and insight to build your organizational capacity, win-win relationships, and community impact. It’s all valuable content for entrepreneurs or nonprofits.

Listen in and you’ll also get a glimpse of my own story and the heart of “Writing to Make a Difference”.

Check out my live interview  and don’t forget the archive of past shows with lots of other great guests!

This listener made my day:

“Wow! Thank you for your podcast series, especially your recent episode hosting Dalya Massachi. Wonderful, insightful, and inspiring conversation! Your podcast has already made a difference in my thinking! I’ve ordered a copy of Dalya’s book and look forward to reading it, as well as following the amazing work she’s doing.” – Aaron Culich




Watch the video! Copywriting for the Web: Today’s Best Practices (includes live reviews)

techsoup logoIf you missed my free webinar with, you’re in luck!

Copywriting for the Web: Today’s Best Practices

Of course, your organization absolutely must have a nice-looking website. But it also must contain content that your users really want to engage with AND can easily find!
Your website is a key part of your organization’s outreach/marketing effort and needs to speak to your readers their way. This free webinar offered plenty of tips and techniques to make sure your copy is web reader-friendly, while it stresses your community impact.
  • 3 planning fundamentals that help you get the results you want
  • What you need to know about today’s web users
  • How to ensure website usability & accessibility
  • Intro to Search Engine Optimization
  • Recommended resources on the web
This webinar featured a live review of a few of the participants’ websites!

You can watch the video HERE.

We’d love to hear your comments: what stood out for you and how will you improve your own website?

Continue reading

Ask Dalya: How can I tutor and support someone else in writing a needs statement for our grant proposal?


Q: How can I tutor and support someone else in writing a needs statement for our grant proposal? No one ever seems to feel like they can do it.

A: The needs statement is one of the core elements of a grant proposal, but it doesn’t need to be a scary piece to write. In fact, the simpler the better. I use (and teach) a 5-part system for putting together your proposal’s priorities; two of them relate to the needs statement:

Facts and Figures: This is simply the context you are in. Who are your clients/participants? What are the top few issues they’re dealing with? What are some current trends that make those issues so pressing? Are there research data or statistics that can back you up?

Importance of the issue: If you were telling a stranger why they should care about this issue what would you say? Don’t assume the answer is obvious. If they asked you, “So what?” would you have a clear answer? Outline what is at stake if that issue were not addressed. If you’re proposing a specific project or program, talk about how it’s a priority for you in working toward your organization’s overall mission.

Here are a couple of examples: Continue reading

SPECIAL OFFER: complimentary strategy session to propel your ‘inner writer’

phoneYou may know that I offer interactive training and presentations to groups and conferences (in person and online). You may know that as an editor, I add a professional polish to grant proposals, website content, strategic plans, speeches, and even books and e-books.

But did you know that I am also a writing coach for social sector executives and staff?

You may be frustrated that, despite your best efforts, you’re stuck in old writing habits that hold you back. You may feel like your documents are full of great ideas, but they often get ignored or sidelined. Are those the results you want?

I didn’t think so.

Let’s schedule a complimentary strategy session to discuss where you are now as a writer, and what it would take to get you where you want to go. A little supportive personal attention and expert feedback might be all you need. Of course, our conversations are confidential.

A few recent coaching clients had this to say: Continue reading

Ask Dalya: Do you recommend a notebook, paper or oral digital recorder for ideas and thoughts, like traditional writers have used?


Q: Do you recommend a notebook, paper or oral digital recorder for ideas and thoughts, like traditional writers have used?

 A: Yes, I think it’s a good idea to start thinking of yourself as a “writer” – even if you only sit down to craft a piece occasionally. You want to invite ideas to come to you whenever and wherever, and you should be ready to capture them.

I carry a small notebook around with me wherever I go. But I could just as easily take notes or record my thoughts on my mobile device. Going back through my notes later is a great way to relive my recent ‘aha’ moments and maybe even add an additional thought that has been brewing in my mind. A journal is an expanded version of this little notebook, and I also recommend keeping one. In addition, I keep a little notepad by my bedside to keep notes before or after sleeping. These methods have come through for me countless times. Continue reading