Author Archives: Dalya Massachi

Start with your features, but move right to benefits

[Dalya’s Note: This is an excerpt from my award-winning book Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact.]

benefits and featuresConsider the features of your work: the components or characteristics of the actual services or products your organization offers. The details of your features often include answers to questions your most interested readers might ask. Examples might be technical specifications or information on exactly how you carry out your programs.

Benefits, on the other hand, are the tangible and intangible outcomes you are striving for: the great results and powerful impact that your stakeholders will get from working with you.


An organization runs a homeless shelter for families. It offers warm beds, restrooms, and other facilities. It also hires child care workers and counselors, uses volunteers, operates a soup kitchen, and offers services to help residents find more permanent housing or jobs.

Those are all features of the organization’s work.

The benefits are the positive effects that those things have on the shelter residents and the community at-large. Here we are talking about the difference the organization makes in addressing the problems associated with homelessness, both short- and long-term.

Some of those benefits may be:

  • Increased stability and nutrition in the lives of the homeless families
  • Increased employment among homeless parents
  • Fewer families living in cars or on the streets
  • Less desperation, which often leads to crime, drug abuse, and other social ills
  • The sense of being a community that cares for all of its citizens

Here are three related questions that can help you identify the benefits of your work:

1) Ask_yourselfAsk yourself: What does your service or product mean for your reader and/or community—personally, professionally, financially, physically, logistically, spiritually, and/or emotionally?


The Health Trust, which oversaw and partially supported the School Health Clinics of Santa Clara County, worked with me several years ago to document their benefits to the community. That language then served them for years in all kinds of successful documents. This is some of the text, focusing on economic benefits:

The School Health Clinics play a critical role in support of the educational process. They prepare children and families to be informed health care consumers and encourage self-responsible behaviors. The Clinics represent wise investments, as they lead to a healthy community and a healthy future workforce.

  • Each clinic visit will save the community from $160 to $2,000 in physician or emergency room costs.
  • School-based health care gives working parents a health care choice that allows them to access health care for their children, thus reducing costly disruption, distraction, and absence from their workplace.
  • Companies have better informed employees who are likely to make wise health care and lifestyle choices for themselves and their families. And healthy employees with fewer health risks give employers a negotiating advantage with health insurers. Thus, corporate financing of school-based health care can be part of a company’s community development and philanthropic strategy to benefit many constituencies.

(Website: Health Trust)

2) Ask_yourselfAsk yourself:  What will happen as a result of the particular features you offer? And how does that satisfy the needs and desires of your readers?


An organization that provides massage therapy to cancer survivors might say:

Your compassionate investment of $100 will buy a new clinic massage table (feature), enabling our volunteer therapists to provide 50 additional revitalizing, healing massages per week to cancer survivors like Jose (client benefit). You will be helping your friends and neighbors enjoy happier, healthier, more productive, and (as suggested by recent medical studies) longer lives (social benefit).

3) Ask_yourselfAsk yourself: For each feature you offer, ask “So what?” How does that lead to something better for my reader and/or the community?


Our company exterminates termites and other pests from your home or office with natural orange peel oil.



Proven effective within 24 hours


It will decisively solve your termite problem quickly.

Nontoxic and natural

It is better for your health with no side effects for adults or children.



You can use your home right afterward, with no waiting.



It is not dependent on petroleum.

Guaranteed to keep your home or office pest-free for at least 12 months


Saves you the expense and hassle of re-exterminating.


Consistent with overall green lifestyle


You will do your part for the planet.

The Question They’re All Asking

[Dalya’s Note: This is an excerpt from my award-winning book Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact.]

question markDo you know the big question on the mind of every reader of your organization’s material? It’s this: “What’s in it for me?”

As far as your readers are concerned, it’s all about the benefits you can offer them. You want to emphasize how your organization’s product or service improves the lives of your constituents and their communities.

We tend to focus on all of the wonderful features of the services and products we offer. But if you try to see things from your readers’ perspective, you will notice that they are most interested in buying or supporting benefits that address their specific needs and values.

For this reason, writing about benefits that matter to your readers is absolutely crucial in any kind of marketing or fundraising piece. I am talking about everything from a personal letter requesting financial support, to a general flyer about a service you offer, to a special report about your industry, to a website article.

Don’t just concentrate on what specific things your organization does or makes, or how. Those are the various features of your work. While those are interesting and necessary to discuss, I suggest you emphasize what difference your organization makes—how your services benefit the users, your supporters, and/or the community at-large.

Ask_yourselfAsk Yourself: How will your service or product improve the lives of your readers and their community, in the short and the long term?

Did you notice how I said both your readers and their community? That is because we work in the public interest sector and not the conventional business world. Our stakeholders want to find ways to benefit both themselves and the world around them. So we might want to edit their big question to now read: “What’s in it for me and us?”

Simply put, your job is to refine your text (your “copy”) so that it makes your readers feel good about the benefits you are offering. You want them to feel so good that they are willing to take a chance on you with their time, money, energy, or other resources.

Your writing has to persuade them that your product or service will help them achieve their goals, benefiting them and their community.

personally speakingPersonally speaking

This “feel-good” imperative reminds me of the old toothpaste commercials that implied that you would find love and romance if only you brushed with their minty fresh taste. Or of today’s cell phone ads suggesting that their products will win you lots of new friends and dates. While this is a blatant use of persuasive power, we can use that power in the public interest too.

 You can, over time, compile especially effective phrases, paragraphs, and statements to recycle in your materials. But, of course, you will have to tweak everything to make sure it uses language that speaks most persuasively to your specific intended audience.

Thinking Beyond the Green Market: How Green Entrepreneurs Can REALLY Change the World

[Dalya’s Note: This guest post was written by Shel Horowitz, lead author of Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green.]

green worldHow many times have you heard some green entrepreneur telling you to buy a product because it’s good for the earth? The problem with that approach is that it only reaches one of the three markets that green communicators need to attract.

“Good for the planet” attracts the Deep Green crowd: people who are heavily motivated by messages about doing the right thing. People like me.

But even though green consciousness is growing rapidly, we don’t have enough of those folks to change the world; and in many cases, are also not enough to create a sustainable business. Green entrepreneurs also need to reach two other audiences:

Lazy Greens: people who are mildly disposed to do the right thing. They’ll buy your stuff—but only if it’s at least as easy, cheap, durable, convenient, and functional as the product it’s replacing. They have a philosophical sympathy with greening the planet, but they have relatively low knowledge and they don’t want to be inconvenienced. To get them to buy, not only do you need to make it just as good as or better than what they’ve been buying all along, you also have to put it right in front of their faces in the shopping channels they’re already using.

Non-Greens: these folks aren’t convinced that the planet is even at risk. They may consume news from media that routinely present the handful of climate-change-denying scientists, and may have bought the line that there’s a wide scientific debate on climate change. Or they may even come from an “I’ve got mine, and I don’t care if you get yours” attitude.

And to reach those two kinds of people, you cannot motivate with guilt or shame. “Shoulds” simply don’t work. You have to motivate them positively. You have to show that your product is better.

For the Lazy Greens, you can even wrap these benefits in the environmental cloak: your offering is better because of the green features. A hybrid car offers better gas mileage and silent operation because it uses an electric motor. An LED light bulb burns so much longer and uses so much less electricity because its energy-efficient design converts more electricity to light instead of heat. An organic local tomato tastes so fresh and is so good for you because it’s grown without chemicals and is not picked unripe to be shipped thousands of miles.

For the Non-Greens, the education part has to come later—after they’ve already used and loved the product. Then we can begin to show them the advantages of a green lifestyle. But first, they are going to buy on value, not values.

Smart marketers reach all three audiences. A great example is Marcal, a manufacturer of recycled toilet paper, napkins, and paper towels in the northeast United States. Located just outside New York City, the company creates these products from that city’s abundant supply of discarded junk mail. For the Deep Green, Marcal’s Small Steps packaging emphasizes saving trees. The Light Green not only gets a panel of “Environmental Facts” that note the absence of harmful chlorine and other chemicals, but also an invitation to compare with other vendors. Most importantly, the Light Green finds Marcal on the local supermarket shelf, right next to the virgin-paper brands. The Non-Green can ignore all that, and buy Marcal because it’s a high-quality paper at a very affordable price.

Which would you rather read? “Electronic Privacy Expert Releases New Book” or “It’s 10 O’Clock—Do You Know Where Your Credit History Is?” People will THANK you for letting them read press releases, book jackets, sellsheets, web pages by Shel Horowitz (author, Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, six other books; internationally syndicated columnist) Bye-bye boring copy! Green and Profitable.

Your (Customer’s) Brain on Computers

[Dalya’s Note: This guest post by Anne Michelsen was originally published on April 8, 2013 on her website, Green Ink Copywriting.]

How much time do you spend online?

If you’re anywhere close to average, it’s somewhere  between 25 and 27 hours per week. 1

That’s right. We spend nearly a quarter of our waking hours plugged in, and that’s not including the time we spend on other electronic devices, including our cell phones and our kid’s handheld gaming devices (admit it!)

Now, hold onto your chair. When you surf the web, you’re accomplishing more than shopping for shoes or chatting up your Facebook friends. Behind the scenes, what you’re really doing is rewiring your brain.

It’s true.  And you may not want to hear what you’re doing to it – but I’m going to tell you anyway.

How the Internet affects our brains

Research on the Internet’s effect on brain activity indicates that it contributes to attention deficit, addictive behavior, scattered thinking, loss of focus, and reduced ability to read human emotions.  In some cases, the effects can be physically measured: one recent study of 18 college students found that excessive internet use actually resulted in atrophy of gray matter in the brain. 2

Clearly, this is a serious issue. Due to my occupation, I admit to spending far more than the average amount of time online, and I can personally attest to feeling some of the effects.  I am starting to take steps to limit my (and my kids’) time online, and I highly suggest that you consider doing so, too.

But no matter how much we limit our own time online, the fact remains: our customers probably don’t.  To put it bluntly, our biggest source of competition anymore may not be our competitors, but what’s going on in our customers’ heads!

So we need to take special care to structure our messages to both capture and keep their attention despite any adverse effects their brains may be experiencing.

Read Part 2.

Read Part 3.


  1. Millennials Up Their Time Online,, Jan.21, 2013
  2. Does Life Online Give You ‘Popcorn Brain?’, CNN Health,  June 23, 2011

“Ask Dalya”: Success Stories on Your Website

personally speakingI am beginning a new blog series called “Ask Dalya,” in which I answer some of the questions that come my way from readers like you. I’ll be covering all topics related to using your writing to make a difference in the world. That means anything from a large copywriting question, to a dilemma about a specific document, to a pesky grammatical quandary… and everything in between.

Q: Is it better to put success stories in a blog post? Or on a specific dedicated page on your website?

 A: Success stories should play frequent featured roles in your online work: in your blog, throughout your website, and in your social media. Think about ways to use quotes, anecdotes, and client photos in ways that will engage your readers by speaking to both the head and the heart.

Yes, you may devote an entire section of your website or Facebook page to success stories, but don’t stop there. Be creative and find ways to weave them into other information you share on a more regular basis, such as blog postings, news articles, or grant proposals.

You may want to watch a free webinar I presented with the Foundation Center, entitled “Storytelling for Fundraising Success.”

Got questions about how YOU can use your writing to make a difference? Send them to my assistant, Leslie Rivera, and I’ll answer them on the blog.