Category Archives: Grants

“Ask Dalya”: Grantwriters as Strategic Leaders (Part I)

orchestraI recently presented a webinar entitled “Grantwriter as Strategic Leader: Your Crucial Role.” It covered a topic not often discussed in the nonprofit world: how can grantwriters assume a leadership role in their organizations? Grantwriters are actually perfectly positioned to be inspiring, confident, and competent leaders who can help their organizations plan strategically for their grantseeking futures.

I got so many great questions, I thought I would share some of them here. Following is Part 1 of this article (Part 2 appears tomorrow).

Q: How do you communicate to your Executive Director and board that it’s not just about the quantity (number) of grant proposals you send out. But the quality too?

 A: This is actually common, especially among folks with limited experience in grantseeking. You can compare grant proposals to resumes. It’s not a good strategy to send them out in scattershot fashion, in the blind hope that something will stick. It’s a better use of your time to really do your homework, and then plan out and customize each one. Competition for funds is stiff, and the better targeted your proposal the more likely it will get a second look.

Q: How do you lead a grantseeking team that has constantly shifting program/vision priorities?

A: This says something about your organization. Without a clear programmatic strategy, your fundraising efforts will suffer. It’s o.k. to want to get a full picture of a situation, especially for new or transitioning organizations. But at some point you will have to clearly tell your colleagues that program plans need to stabilize so that fundraising can happen. In fact, grantseeking usually takes several months (or even a year) before the funds come through. So you will need a solid strategic plan or Logic Model  to work from.

Q: To what extent should the grantwriter be responsible for evaluations and client feedback, vs. the program manager who designs/implements the program?

A: While the grantwriter should not be designing the programs, he/she is serving as the eyes and ears of a funder snooping around.  A grantwriter knows that evaluation is always going to be important to funders. That means that whoever is designing/implementing the program needs to find a way to measure results – in the short term and long term. A grantwriter can offer suggestions on how to go about that, but s/he is not in a position to make the final plans for evaluation (let alone carry it out). A grantwriter should also be asking how the evaluation results will be used to improve the program over time.

Client feedback and stories are also important to funders. They will want to know exactly how people have benefited from the program…and what difference that has made in their lives. Stories collected from throughout the organization should then make their way back to the grantwriter, as proposals should include some of that information.

[Stay tuned for Part 2]

(By the way, you can find answers to many more grant-related questions right HERE.)

“Ask Dalya”: Grant Proposal Results vs. Solutions

personally speakingQ: I like the acronym you teach for planning a grant proposal’s priority information: FIRST (Facts & Figures, Importance, Results, Solution, and Track Record). I often get confused between the “results” of my work and the “solution” I’m advocating. Can you clarify?

A: Yes, “solutions” lead directly to “results.”

“Results” are things you envision as the ultimate outcomes of your work. This is one of the most important pieces to most funders. It’s the answer you would give if they were to hear about your program and then ask, “So what?” What difference do you plan to make at the end of the day? What changes or community benefits will we see?

For example, your organization may seek to reduce pollution in your local waterway. One way you do this is by educating and mobilizing young people as volunteers for a clean-up day. This work can immediately result in an educated group and a cleaned up area. The long-term result might be that this work leads to continued involvement of the volunteers, who share the information with their peers and contribute to a less-polluted waterway for years to come.

Continue reading

GPA Heart of America Conference on 4/25: I Am the Keynote Speaker


The Heart of America GPA Chapter is pleased to announce the Heart of America GPA Regional Conference, titled “Keep Calm and Hit Submit.”

I will be the Keynote Speaker with a presentation titled “Grant Professionals as Strategic Leaders: Your Crucial Role.”

As a grant professional, you are perfectly positioned to help your organization plan strategically for its grantseeking future.  You are the knowledgeable guide who can lead executive and program staff to design work that is attractive to grantmakers. We’ll discuss ways to “rally the troops” while staying calm, cool, and collected.

You will learn:

  1. How to make sure everyone is on the same page
  2. What questions to ask to get the information you need
  3. Examples of strategizing with staff  – before, during, or after the grant award

If you are in the area, don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your colleagues in the grant writing profession, while obtaining valuable professional development experience. Enjoy a cocktail reception and a full day of enlightening grant workshops — all in one of Kansas City’s premier shopping and dining districts, the Country Club Plaza.

Discounted tickets are available for those who register on or before March 31st.

GPA Members $100/$85 Early Bird Rate by March 31st
Non-Members $110/$95 Early Bird Rate by March 31st

Please note that while the Heart of America GPA Chapter will allow attendees to register at the conference, the cost for such registrations will be $125 for both members and non- members. We strongly encourage all attendees to pre-register.

Please register HERE.

The conference agenda is posted HERE.

Webinar 2/27: Grant Proposal Feedback Clinic

GPASubmit Your Grant Proposal/Letter of Inquiry for Review – OR – Listen/Watch/Comment Only

Could you use some targeted feedback on your Letter of Intent or brief grant proposal? Have you participated in trainings but find you need some individual feedback to fine-tune your draft (one you’re currently working on or one you recently submitted)?

While your colleagues may be helpful (or maybe just too busy), an outside perspective is often exactly what you need to view your work as a funder might.

That’s the idea behind the Feedback Clinic, a safe online space where you will share drafts with your peers and the instructor (a seasoned grant writer with more than 15 years of experience).  You will receive individual feedback from multiple people in a short time. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to hear from outside reviewers from the comfort of your own office!

OR…Don’t have a proposal draft to submit or not comfortable submitting right now? Join us to learn from the one-on-one, detailed feedback on the 2 submitted proposals and share YOUR feedback and suggestions. Learn from others’ successes and challenges (“case studies”), and practice providing analytical feedback. Your insights will add value to the group discussion and hearing others’ different perspectives will add to your own learning process. Continue reading

Free Webinar 2/26: Numbers and Narrative: How to Construct the Crucial Evaluation Piece of Grant Proposals and Reports




“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” –Albert Einstein

Unless you’ve been hiding under that proverbial rock, you know that program evaluation and accountability have been hot topics in the nonprofit sector for quite a while. Funders want to know what’s working, what’s not, how we may or may not be accomplishing our mission, what needs are going unmet, and how we might make improvements in the future.

Evaluation can also be great for strategic planning purposes. It will tell you where you’ve been the most successful, where the challenge areas are, and where to go from here. Evaluation helps your clients reflect on their experiences and share their thoughts.

There are many ways of doing both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. But regardless of how you actually go about the process, you will need to start by writing about your evaluation system and tools in your grant proposal, and using them in your grant report(s). How can you do that?

1.    Find out what funders expect to see concerning program evaluation in proposal and reports
2.    Review some examples of effective evaluation sections of grant proposals
3.    Prepare for collecting the data you need to measure your impact (numbers and narrative)
4.    Learn about resources to help you take the next step

Register for the 2/26 webinar (12 PM PST): HERE.