Category Archives: Copywriting

Highlight the strengths of your mission

stand out[Dalya’s Note: This is an excerpt from my award-winning book, Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact.]

Remind your readers continually of what is innovative about your mission. No one likes to reinvent the wheel or be part of something garden-variety. Show that you play a special and essential role in your field: a role that cries out for involvement from your readers.

Ask_yourselfAsk yourself: How is your mission unique within your field, and how does that give you a special niche?

Your mission may be to implement an entirely new solution to an age-old problem that has been haunting your community. Or maybe you are striving to improve or expand what already has begun to work. Either way, identify what it is about your mission that makes it extraordinary.



1) Por Fin Nuestra Casa (Spanish for “finally, a home of our own”) has the mission:

“To raise the standard of living for families who currently reside in dangerous or substandard conditions.”

Not so unique, you might think. But they then flesh it out:

“We advance this cause by creating shelters from low-cost recycled materials. PFNC utilizes surplus shipping containers resulting from the United States’ consistent trade deficit. These containers serve as the building block of PFNC housing, but go through an extensive conversion process to make them a home. PFNC offers an affordable housing solution that is scalable and fully portable. Each PFNC unit includes First World amenities for a price of less than $10,000 (US).”

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Spotlight your mission repeatedly

Stage_Spotlight[Dalya’s Note: This is an excerpt from my award-winning book, Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact.]

Have you advanced your organization’s mission today? Your readers are eager to know about it!

Every marketing or fundraising piece you write needs to speak to the advancement of your organization’s reason for existing in the first place. That is, every page should remind your readers that you never forget what you set out to do in your community.

Every values-driven organization has a specific mission to make a positive difference in the world. My guess is that you already know what yours is. You may not have memorized your official mission statement, but you are clear on the essence of your organization. Your mission, after all, is a key part of your organization’s brand..

To each of your readers, your mission, or perhaps some particular aspect of it, is the heart of the matter. They want to hear that it is central to everything you do. They want to know that your work continues to be relevant to their lives and the life of their community, even as times and circumstances change.

There is no shame in reminding yourself of your organization’s mission statement once in a while. Some people I know even plaster it on the wall or make it their screensaver to keep it at the top of the mind and on the tip of the tongue.

Your mission should inspire and motivate support and commitment from those who share your concerns. Your organization’s name alone should cause your mission to spring to mind.
However, if you—and your colleagues—do not revisit your mission statement regularly, and ideally fine-tune or update it on occasion, you can get stuck in out-of-date patterns of branding. This is true for both start-up organizations (whose missions are usually still evolving) and more established groups. For instance, a client organization of mine had focused for decades on the needs of all low-income families, but recent demographic changes in their county compelled them to focus on new immigrants, with their associated cultural and linguistic challenges.

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Panel on 10/12: San Francisco Writing for Change Conference

I will be speaking at the Fifth San Francisco Writing for Change Conference, which is for nonfiction writers who want to bring about the changes individuals, communities, and the planet need. Please feel free to stop by and say hello!

Jean Shinoda Bolen, author of Moving Through the Millionth Circle: Energizing the Global Women’s Movement, will give the keynote address.

The Conference will provide a full day of panels about writing, getting published, and promotion. Attendees can get free feedback on their work and pitch book ideas to agents and editors (including me).  Two scholarships available.

Location: Unitarian Universalist Center, Geary at Franklin, San Francisco.

Cost: $149

Details and registration:

The Go-to Guide to Creating Email Newsletters People Actually Read

email_newsletter_tips-2[Dalya’s Note: This guest post by Ginny Soskey was originally published on August 20, 2013 on HubSpot.]

Most marketers have been there — you’re sitting around a conference room, trying to figure out how to best engage leads and customers, sell more product, or just “stay top-of-mind” for your target audience, and someone decides there’s a solution that can solve all of those problems at once: an email newsletter!

And then suddenly it’s you that’s been chosen to do it. Oh, and make sure that open and clickthrough rates don’t dip.

For 10 great tips on finessing your email newsletters, read the rest of the article: HERE.

Are you an Acme or a Wawa?

jargon[Dalya’s Note: This guest post by Amanda Cooper was originally published on July 30, 2013 on Lightbox Collaborative. Amanda Cooper is a senior strategist with LightBox Collaborative.]

Communications professionals know that jargon is a problem. We don’t want to alienate people with unfamiliar or confusing language. Jargon destroys our ability to communicate clearly and effectively, and most of us think we do a good job of avoiding it. The reality is that jargon is sneaky and pervasive, even in everyday conversation. I realized just how pervasive during a trip to the Jersey Shore.

As transplanted Californians living in Brooklyn, we used our vacation time to explore various destinations that born-and-bred East Coasters had long tired of. This particular excursion was to the Jersey Shore. No, not that one. This one. Continue reading