Category Archives: Writing Training

“Ask Dalya”: How to Keep Grantwriting Concise

This “Ask Dalya” series covers 17 of your grantwriting questions. Get lots more Q & A, individual feedback, materials, etc. in the Grantwriter’s FastTrack Coaching Program.

personally speaking Q: I’m frustrated with the brevity that funders often require of us. Can you offer any guidelines?

A: We know that funders are time-pressed and will probably only skim your work the first time around. So we need to write for that reading style. That means we have to Keep It Short, Simple, and Skimmable (the acronym is KISSS).

Concise statements are powerful. Accessible words and phrases get read. Your challenge is to keep your piece as brief as possible, without compromising your meaning. See how tight you can write.

As Mark Twain once said, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter so I wrote a long one instead.” He knew how much work it can be to really hone your words.

A rule of thumb is to keep your sentences to no more than about 20 words. Most newspapers aim for a sentence length of about 14 words. So should you. Also, the more complex your subject, the shorter the sentences need to be to attain clarity.

Remember that short, simple words and paragraphs are better than longer, more complicated ones. Avoid run-on sentences. Try using words with three syllables or fewer.

Q: What key information should be conveyed in a Letter of Inquiry?

A: A great example of the need for conciseness is the 1-3-page Letter of Inquiry/Letter of Intent (a.k.a. LOI) that many funders request before a full proposal. They may tell you what to include in your LOI; if they do, please make sure you follow their advice. If you don’t find any specific guidelines, include the basics of what they will want to know: Continue reading

Webinar on 12/11: On Today’s Menu: Your Successful Grant Proposal

Nonprofit WebinarsHow can you whip up a successful grant proposal? You’ll need just the right proportions of research, planning, drafting, and editing. And don’t forget to garnish with tasty feedback and a dash of good timing!

Foundations and corporate funders are always looking for ways to make good investments in your community. To partner with them, you have to show exactly how you can help make that happen! Webinar participants will get a special discount on Dalya’s award-winning book, “Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact.”

Who should attend: This webinar is ideal for: nonprofit directors, staff, board, volunteers, and consultants who help raise money from foundations and corporations; jobseekers are also welcome.

Level: Beginner and Intermediate

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to prepare for the grantwriting process
  • What to include (and exclude)
  • What most engages (and repels) grantmakers
  • Where to find resources for your next steps

Attendees will also receive 3 follow-up documents:

1) “Spot the Weaknesses” Summary

2) One-page Sample Grant Format

3) Recommended Resources List

Please join us Wednesday, December 11 at 12pm PT (3pm ET)! Sign up HERE.

What do previous attendees have to say about this webinar?

“This was a very useful and informative webinar. I have sat on many webinars that do not provide such clear, specific information and I appreciate your sharing your expertise. Thank you!”
“I am very excited about the prospect of writing successful grants for my organization — as opposed to fearing it!”

Webinar on 5/22: Can Your Board Tell Your Story? (FREE)

fundraising via people






Nonprofit board members often don’t want to ask for funds, but when it comes to raising friends for your organization, most of them are eager. But, do they know how to tell your story? Here are some things board members can do:

  • Develop their own 30-second elevator speech about your organization
  • Present “just the facts, ma’am” fact sheet to a local business person
  • Speak with passion about your organization to potential donors


  • Understand the various constituents of your organization
  • Develop appropriate messages for each constituency
  • Develop a comfort level in presenting your story

Join us Wednesday, May 22, 2013 from 12-1pm PST! Sign up HERE. This webinar is co-presented with Linda Lysakowski, in conjunction with NonprofitWebinars (offering free training on a wide range of topics every week).

Free Webinar: 5 Facets of Indie Publishing for Nonfiction Writers With a Cause

I am pleased to partner with Author Solutions to offer a free webinar for social changemakers who’ve ever even thought about writing a book.

A book or ebook is a great way to share your experience and insights, bring more visibility to your cause, and establish yourself as a passionate authority. With the expanding universe of independent publishing (a.k.a. self-publishing), the world is now your oyster. How do you make it work for you and your cause? In this webinar we will explore this opportunity.

• What a book/ebook can do for you and your cause
• Advice on the style, structure, and voice of a book that promotes a cause
• Introduction to independent publishing
• Some initial marketing ideas
• Recommended resources

Dalya presented this well-received webinar in April. One attendee commented:

“I came away with a better sense of organizing my project. Also, the advice on graphics and illustrations helped me know what to include in a more simple fashion than I had originally intended.”

You have one more opportunity to join me live: May 16 @ 4:30pm PT. Sign up HERE.

Talk to you then!

Free Webinar on 4/4: Thank You, Thank You Very Much!

Join me, Linda Lysakowski, and GiftWorks for a free webinar: Thursday, April 4th at 12 noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT)

Before Elvis left the building, he always thanked his fans. Do you thank your donors enough? Here are a few ways you can be sure you don’t leave your donors in Heartbreak Hotel because they don’t feel appreciated:

  1. Board members can conduct a “thank-a-thon.”
  2. Clients can join in the thanking.
  3. You can beef up your thank you letters.

In this webinar, we offered plenty of ideas on how to implement these techniques. And we covered 4 additional techniques!

Recording now available.

Sample Thank You Letter.

NOTE: Webinar may surpass an hour depending on the Q&A session immediately following the presentation. 

Sign up for the event HERE.