The second installment of my article series on Opportunity Knocks is now online. In the series, called “Putting on the Polish,” I share some tips on how to put that final touch on your documents to make them stand out and shine.
The first article was about how to cultivate conciseness. This second article is called “Eliminating Unintended, Accidental, Repetitive Redundancies” and starts out like this:
Did you notice that my title contains two redundancies (unintended/accidental and repetitive/redundancies)? Dramatic or humorous effect is the main reason that occasional repetition can be a good thing, if used well (more on that later). In most cases, however, purging your document of all forms of redundancies helps a lot.
There are actually several ways you can be redundant. Kind of ironic, don’t you think? As you might have guessed, this technique is another great way to cultivate conciseness….
Read the full article HERE.